Best memories!!!

Some of my favorite memories from school this year are, doing home-economics and sewing things like a pillow’s , stuffed animals, and also being able to cook lots of things like cookies, Dutch baby’s, and lots of other things. Another favorite memory that I enjoyed was Star Wars day which was when we went into the mpr and we got rainbow sherbet ice cream in a cup and they had a race with little carts, and you had to race backwards and try and make it to the end fastest. The last fun activity that we had at are school that was super fun was when we had are school dance the reason why I enjoyed it so much is because there was pizza and a table where you could get a bunch of candies. There was also ping-pong , basketball, handball and lots of other fun games that me and my freinds had a lot of fun playing all together.

The Grateful Boy

There once was a boy, and he didn’t have very much but he was still happy with everything that he did have and wasn’t ungrateful. The boy didn’t have any shoes, he had holes in his clothes. The boy was still happy, with just a little toy car connected to a stick that he could just push around. He also still has a smile on his face even though he dose my have many things . The little boy is also not complaining or upset that he doesn’t have not enough toys. He is just happy and grateful with everything he already does have and he is satisfied with the little things, and not asking for more. The boy is also not happy, just cause he didn’t get what he wanted and he also isn’t throwing a big fit over something very little and not worth crying over at all.

20% – Blog #6 Drawing

Hi my name is Sophie, for my 20% project I am doing drawing and my goal was to learn how to draw step by step drawings. I accomplished this goal by using a drawing book, which helps you create drawings by using the grid method and going step by step in order to create realistic drawings. In the book it would explain to you on how to create the drawing step by step. The book showed me how to draw things like a ram, bunny, Great Dane, fox, baby elephant and so much more. The book also offered very helpful websites, which offered videos on how to draw in case you didn’t understand by only using the book. To help me get better at realistically creating a drawing I would just practice it again and again until I was satisfied with my final drawing, and also so that I was was glad with what I had. I am so happy I chose drawing for my topic, because it helps release my creativity onto paper.

Here’s an example of the step by step detailed drawing and explanation on how to draw the cat.

20% – Blog #5 Drawing

Hi my name is Sophie, for my 20% project I am doing Drawing. This week my goal was to learn how to do a different technique which is drawing on an iPad or other wise known as digitally. I accomplished this goal by being able to draw a starfish very realistically. I searched up on google a starfish picture in order to get a good reference. In order to be able to properly draw the starfish. Most Importantly though is my sister was able to help me draw and learn how to properly draw digitally and she also taught me how to use the tools, in order for me to have a successful drawing. To help me draw easier and have access to my main tools that I would need during drawing. So far throughout this whole process though I have learned that it is easiest to have easy access to my tools when drawing and I learned that it’s also much easier to draw digitally because there is much more techniques you can use when drawing digitally. I am so happy that I chose drawing for my project. Thank you so much for reading my blogs and I will see you next week in blog #6.

Rad Reading – April

The title of my book is Guts the author of the book is Raina Telgemeier. The plot of my story is it’s about a girl that has anxiety and stomachaches very often and also deals with a lot of drama at school with her friend’s and going through lots of trouble, throughout school. What I loved about the book is I loved how Raina pushed through her struggles and also became stronger throughout the story. My favorite character is Raina’s councilor because she helps her become more confident and also she helps her physically by helping here maintain a good stable heath. The quote that I have to prove this is “ sometimes we have things in life we need to work on.” This proves that she cares about Raina and that she wants to make sure that she is ok at school and that she doesn’t feel sick, when she’s at school. This proves that her councilor is concerned about her and wants to make sure that she’s not being bullied in school.

My favorite quote or line from the story is Treat others how you want to be treated this is my favorite line because it explains how you should not treat others meanly if you don’t want to be treated that way.

20% project Blog – 4 Drawing

Hello my name is Sophie, for my 20% project I’m doing Drawing. This week my goal was to learn how to draw realistic sciences like forest and things like that. I looked up some realistic scenes and sketched them out on my paper. Which helped me practice drawing those realistic sceneries. My mom was the one who helped me with drawing the things like the trees and making them have shadows, shading and texture. My mom also helped me create most of my drawing. I would practice drawing some things in the scene like bushes and things like that. Some accomplishments that I had this week was I was able to realistic animals, trees, lakes etc. This week I didn’t have any struggles because everything went accordingly to plan and just how I planned it. I am so happy I got to share all of this with you guys and have someone to share with. See you next week in Blog #6.

My Amazing Room

The room in my house that is my favorite is my bedroom the reason of this is cause I love my room cause it’s very cozy and comfortable, I also love my room is cause I can lay on my bed and fall right to sleep so easily in my room is so calming. My room also has lots of cool lights and decorations, like salt lamps, and etc. One more reason my bedroom is my favorite is because it has lots of things to keep me entertained like my t.v. , computer, phone, iPad and so much more. I also have this very soft and cozy hanging chair and the reason why I love it is because I can just sit on it and look out my window and see what’s going on outside I also love it the reason of this is cause it can kind of spin around and it’s super fun to spin in. I have a mini fridge in my room and I can just go to it whenever I need to and get lots of snacks and drinks out of it,
this is why out of all the rooms in my house my bedroom is my favorite pick.e